More fun, intense and inclusive small-sided games where the ball keeps rolling with a minimum of stops during the game.
AirPitch USA

Our Mission

We are on a mission to spread AirPitch Soccer all over the country with the help of innovative tournament formats and a network of hosting partners. #fastfeetfun
Come play in our INTENSE and FUN events. We are BLOWING UP in cities all across the country!
Bring an AirPitch Event to your community by hosting a tournament with our specialized tournament format.
Want to bring AirPitches to your players?
Compared to traditional soccer, AirPitch soccer offers more action, more scoring, and more fast-paced games where the ball stays in play a statistically proven 83% more*. The AirPitch can be used for any small-sided soccer format and all goal sizes and types will fit.
The Benefits of the 3v3 format
View the video to learn how the English Premier League uses AirPitches for their academy events program and hear the pro club coaches explain the benefits of the 3v3 format.
Here's what our Experts are saying
  • “3v3Uk has been a real good addition to the Manchester United Football Programme. We have really enjoyed hosting various different festivals for teams far and wide. We have seen huge benefits from our children participating in this type of format with lots of 1v1 take ons, lots of ball manipulations, lots of chaotic situations and loads of different combinations and team play. We will continue to develop our connection to Mike and his team, who have all excellently organised and delivered a wonderful learning environment and experience for our children at Manchester United”
    Jarrad Ince
    Pre-academy manager, Manchester United
  • "We introduced the 3v3 format to our Premier League programme this year and it was a brilliant addition. The Airpitch format provided the new Premier League academy players with a fun start to the academy events programme and the players were able to express themselves through constant 1v1 duels and the high intensity games. Working with Mike and the team at 3v3 UK was fantastic as not only did they provide great operational expertise, but a real passion for delivering an exciting event for the players."
    Thomas Moran
    Games programme manager, Premier League
  • "The AirPitches are used every day at our academy. They diversify and excite training sessions and are very popular with athletes. They allow all sorts of little one-sided games and skill-based rotations."

    Mark Rivers
    Academy manager, Arsenal FC
  • "We have been using the AirPitches for the Young Lionesses talent program all over England and with the amount of passes, matches and physical demands of football, it's a really good tool for us."

    Amanda Goodwin
    Technical lead coach, The English FA.
  • "The AirPitches are the key ingredient for our mega-tournaments concept in Germany. They allow us to easily and safely have more than 800 players participate in a single match day."
    Hardy Bruening
    Founder & CEO, 3v3 Germany
  • "The kids loves them. As simple as that. The AirPitches ensures near uninterrupted game time with more touches, passes, and goals."
    Mike Melvin
    Founder & CEO, 3v3 UK
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AirPitch Sports
Dallas, Texas

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